понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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It occurs to me only when I see my roommates getting mail from friends that very few people from LA know where I live. I always say that I should get into writing actual, paper-and-ink letters, and perhaps invest in a wax seal, like the dandy that I try to be, but I never do it. I think you guys make me. So, if ever you feel inclined to send me shit, it should be addressed the the following location.

Sara Seltzer
1062 Divisadero Street
San Francisco, CA 94115

Iapos;ve been surprisingly swamped with school work lately (which unfortunately doesnapos;t even mean that Iapos;m on top of it), but this week seems to be a little less intense. Iapos;ve wanted to post about many different things, but I havenapos;t had time. Iapos;ve gone to more clubs alone, and I even considered making an elaborate post for national coming out day last week, which is something that crosses my mind every year, and then some, and I never do it. But now Iapos;m almost glad that I never have, because lately Iapos;ve been drawing so much out of my brain and onto paper that I might as well be my own therapist. So perhaps Iapos;ll make a post of that nature in the near future, dates be damned.

In old news, Iapos;m so FUCKING EXCITED for Halloween.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

daily dawn news

I met the author of the post that caught me at the crabby highpoint of last week.

She was quite nice, contrite, and did not realize what havoc her words would have caused. I found it impossible to harbor any ill will once I was introduced.

Upon arriving at MMRF, I was advised that she was apos;spoken toapos; earlier that day about it. I hope they didnapos;t come down too hard on the Lady-- it seems she was just enthusiastic, and didnapos;t think before she typed.

I might even have made the same post myself, had it not been to two important things-- first, when I started, MIRF had no competition. It had only just begun a few years prior, and was the only festival in the state. Second, the Internet hadnapos;t been invented yet. In fact, personal computers were still a luxury item. Virtually no one had one in their home yet.

While I did not get the chance to speak to her one on one, but she did speak to my apos;sisterapos; and talk about it after I had left, thinking she was speaking to me.

So, like many times before in my life, I wanted to be a bitch....and failed miserably, once I was face to face with someone. The desire that everyone like me won out, I guess. I donapos;t know.

I guess Iapos;m more pleased now that I saw the post rather than someone who would have given her a forum beat down. This particular Lady wouldnapos;t have deserved it. From what I could see, she seems to be friendly and outgoing enough to make a really good performer. She seemed to be in character the whole time, and focused on what was going on around her, and she had energy. Thatapos;s better than Iapos;ve seen from some 1st years at MIRF. Itapos;s a good sign.

Sheapos;s since taken the line off of her post, though I donapos;t see the need at this point. But I think it might be safer to bury the discussion, so no one else gets bruised along the way.

As far as MMRF goes, it was a lovely little walk in the woods.... A nice time at a small faire. I bought a few trifles, and my sister and I had a lovely chat with several people. It was a little quiet, as there was a lack of music, but all in all, it was a positive atmosphere all around. I wish I could have stayed a little longer, but I had a prior engagement, so I had to leave early.

Today is leaf duty and Lions Football. (or, listening to Frank complain about the Lions)

Maybe if Iapos;m lucky, Iapos;ll get some sewing in. I should be cleaning though. House is a pit.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Well as you can tell I am ecstatic I have joined the�"Na Na" club..... Anyway canapos;t wait�to�go shopping. I knew God would answer our prayers. He always comes�through.� We just have a few more "Big Ones" to be answered. (Kevin) Randy is�so exited we went to Walmart�Americaapos;s�favorite�store and looked around last night and finally felt�like we had a purpose for�being there. Yes we walked through with�� drool dripping canapos;t wait of course we already have an idea of what it is and all the things she needs. But the fun is looking at all the cool stuff that wasnapos;t around when my kids were born. Yes Randy found rubber pants... Long story . The family may not get Christmas presents this year I feel like buying for the grandbaby ....... Sorry kids the grand comes first....... Na you might get some undies Ha Ha� but the rest of the money goes to the grand. Sorry Kevin I know your a grown man now but the grand comes first.... Life is definately not the same after wednesday. Itapos;s funny how God brings a plan together, you think you know Him and boom hits you with Wonderful news. Lord knows this family deserves some happy news we have suffered too long. God is Awesome. If you please the Lord He will give you the desires of your heart.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Another lightening bolt interrupted the black. We watched it from her small bed, rolled with the waves, rain on metal roared louder. Today was the last day we would see the sky, soon only water and artificial light. The ship shuddered, the call broadcast throughout the ship, prepare to submerge, man stations, but she held my hand tight and I stayed. Slowly, painfully, the water level rose, and we held our breath. Floodlights flickered on and she watched for the flash that would not come. An alien quiet greets us and, together, we try to sleep for the first time.

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Apparently, a while back, Roadrunner dropped their newsgroup servers. Obviously I donapos;t use it that often, as it took me a year to figure this out. I tried getting new headers today, and I couldnapos;t get the news server to respond. It took me TEN MINUTES of Googling to find out that they got rid of the service. I understand why they did it. But if they drop a service, a drop in price would have been nice too. :P

I guess Iapos;ll go ahead and delete Free Agent.

You know... I didnapos;t meet Kevin directly through usenet, but there would have been no #addisneyland without the newsgroup (alt.disney.disneyland), and then I probably would not have met him at all. So it makes me a little sad to know that part of my life is just gone completely.
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The Wawa at 2985 MacArthur Road, in Whitehall Township, celebrates its grand opening at 10 a.m. On Friday.�

The much-anticipated Wawa opened a few weeks ago.� This ribbon cutting is just the icing on the Valley's cake, I suppose.�

The festivities will include the usual fanfare of a police vs. Fire contest of hoagie-making.� Wawa will contribute $1,500 on behalf of the teams toward the purchase of a Fire Prevention Education trailer for Whitehall Township.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

dog mammary tumor

La verdad es que estoy muy contenta (y francamente sorprendida) porque se ha acordado de felicitarme casi�todo el puto mundo, lo cual mola :D
Paso mucho de los regalos, la verdad. De hecho no me gusta nada cumplir a�os y el d�a en cuesti�n suelo estar de bastante mal humor. Pero bueno, supongo que me gusta que me feliciten ^^

Y nada, se supone que por pol�tica de la empresa, el d�a de tu cumple tienes la tarde libre, pero no me atrev� a cogerla porque mi jefe me pod�a crucificar y tal... Ten�amos bastante curro (aunque al final result� que no tanto)�xD
Pero eso s� alas 7 menos 10 me largu� de la oficina como una campeona, fui a clase y luego pa casita.

Y ayer... Bueno, pues ayer son� el despertador y yo me levant�. Me encontraba bastante mal hasta que de pronto ca� en la cuenta de que lo que ten�a era una cistitis de esas de put�sima madre. Despu�s de 5 minutos sentada en la cama�decidiendome entre�ir a la oficina para luego volverme a casa o quedarme en casa directamente, opt� por lo segundo.
El pobre Vith lleg� tard�simo al curre por cuidarme e ir a comprarme las medicinas ._.

Estoy tomando un medicamento natural al que�tengo que�calificar de la forma m�s cient�fica posible:�milagroso xD
Fue tomarlo y a las 2 horas estaba ya casi recuperada.
Al final me qued� todo el d�a en casa, curr� un poco y jugu� al wow, aunque no se me dio mal, pero llevo tanto tiempo sin jugar con la warlock que no me apa�aba bien xD

Iba�a�ir a clase pero al final decid� que era mejor no ir porque hoy ten�a que venir a�Alicante, as� que prefer� no joderla, porque ponerte malo estando fuera de casa es una putada muy gorda. Me jodi� mucho porque ten�a clase con �scar y me la he perdido, pero bueno... U_�br />
El caso es que esta ma�ana estaba bastante bien, pero he tenido un momento a eso de las 11 que me encontraba fatal, hasta el punto de que hasta el jefe me ha dicho que me fuera al hotel porque ten�a mala cara. Como ten�a una reuni�n en la que ten�a (yo) que explicarle a uno del cliente todo el proyecto, pens� que si me segu�a encontrando mal despu�s que s� me iba.
Pero se me pas� as� que me qued� xD

Bueno, este viernes por la tarde tengo cita en el ur�logo (O_oU) a ver qu� me cuenta. Tengo que tener cuidado con estas cosas porque mi padre tuvo varios c�licos nefr�ticos en menos de una semana hace un par de a�os.

Y esta tarde, como es nuestro (y esta vez s� �ltima�noche en Alicante, el jefe ha dicho de irnos a tomar un heladito o una horchata o algo para hacer algo especial t�s juntos :)
Quieren salir esta noche de fiesta, pero paso mucho... Que si esta ma�ana me encontraba mal no quiero andar por ah� bebiendo y haciendo el capullo u_u

Pues eso. Que me pongo a lo m�o a ver si no me duermo mucho...�>_<

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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Thanks again to the moderator for posting extra question #3 today. I am still experiencing lots of frustrations with the trouble I encountered in conceiving, even though that is now in the past, thank goodness. I was hoping there would be more (well, any at all, actually) moms-to-be that shared my experiences.

We had trouble conceiving, and eventually conceived on Clomid. I thoroughly enjoyed the�years I�had with my husband before we had kids, but having infertility problems has been one of my greatest fears for a long, long time...I donapos;t know why. When we couldnapos;t conceive month after month I�felt like a failure. I still do. I thank god constantly for the help of medical technology, and�realize that�our fertility�assistance�could have taken so much longer and been so much more complicated and�difficult than it was,�but nothing has ever made me feel like less of a woman, even though I know I shouldnapos;t define myself just by my ability to reproduce. I�just felt so empty, and also angry with myself for feeling that way. Moreover, I�made the mistake of telling some friends that we were TTC, and they started tippy-toeing around me or asking how I was as they all got pregnant one my one.

Now we are expecting our first baby and Ievery minute�feels like miracle,�but I also havenapos;t been able to get rid of the feelings of not having been able to get pregnant without assistance.�Not to mention that my entire first trimester was one long panic attack, where Iapos;d freak out about miscarrying because I�excercised or, well, anything. I have 6 girlfriends now all due within 2 months of me, and all of them got pregnant within 2 months of trying, and in several cases, the pregnancies were unplanned. I feel like I should be grateful for the time Iapos;ve had to prepare and really�yearn for�this pregnancy from�its very beginning, but then I also keep thinking, "why couldnapos;t that happen to me?"

So many times Iapos;d get my period and cry, so many times I looked at negative pregnancy tests, so many times I still hide how we got pregnant when all my friends are laughing about how spectacularly fertile they are. Am I really this alone in this?? :(

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

automotive painting

Well, the cold-like whatever I had last week seems to be pretty much gone, although my nose/ears/sinuses still feel fairly congested today. I switched back to coffee this morning after drinking lemon tea in the mornings all last week, and the sudden switch back to all that caffeine is make me feel slightly edgy and jittery.

In spite of my revved-up-ness, Iapos;m feeling rather disinterested in life in general today. Youmacon is looming (less than three weeks now, *gulp*), but I donapos;t feel very excited about it. There are lots of things to do at work that I figure Iapos;d normally find interesting, but this morning Iapos;m fighting to stay focused. Iapos;ve been replaying some very fun video games lately, but I think if I was at home right now, Iapos;d probably just lie in bed. Guess Iapos;ve got a touch of the blues... Maybe from being sick and wiped out recently? Dunno, but itapos;s no fun... :-(
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